September Fly Fishing in Arizona

Arizona September Fishing Report

Check out our Arizona Fishing Report to see where you should head this month.

Lee’s Ferry - Good

Continue fishing dry droppers and double nymph rigs. Both have been productive, especially close to the banks. As we get later into the month of September, start spending more time with a streamer on the end of sink-tip.

You'll find no shortage of midges coming off the water. Try double nymph rigs with a heavy attractor fly. Worms will catch plenty of fish as well.

As always, the reliably cold waters of the Colorado River are a great way to beat the heat in Arizona.

Best Bets:

#18 Tungsten Zebra Midge

#18 Worm Annelid

#8 Flashabou Bugger

#18 Bead Head Biot Midge Emerger

Rim Creeks - Good

As we begin to turn the corner into fall, monsoons are boosting water levels and cooling temperatures across the Rim. If it hasn't rained recently, expect crystal clear waters and keep a stealthy presence.

Right now, terrestrials are your best bet. Ants, beetles, and hoppers are all producing fish. Try them with a dropper or fish them by themselves.

On cloudy days, expect a few BWO and Caddis hatches to come off the water.

Best Bets:

#16 Elk Hair Caddis

#14 Hi-Vis Ant

#18 CDC Case BWO Emerger

#12 Parachute Hopper

Oak Creek - Good

Expect similar conditions on Oak Creek. In the early part of September, you'll likely want to focus your efforts in the cooler waters at the top of the canyon. BWOs are typically present and dry droppers will be productive. If the fish are finicky, try dead-drifting leech patterns.

Rising water levels from monsoon activity can trigger an excellent bite. If the creek rises, target cut banks and deeper pools with streamers. 

Best Bets:

#18 Bead Head Hare's Ear

#8 Sculpzilla

#14 Parachute Adams

#12 Sneaky Pete Beetle

#16 Blue Wing Olive

Silver Creek Poor

The winter catch-and-release season on Silver Creek has closed as of March 31. The creek is now open to barbed hooks and bait fishing.

The action is probably better at nearby White Mountains lakes.

Best Bets:

#18 Stalcup Midge Larva

#16 Chironomid

#20 Parachute Midge

#12 Gummy Worm

Verde River Average

Bass activity should remain pretty decent in September.

Try stripping and swinging small streamers across the edges of seams and around structure. In low light hours, work poppers near shore.

Trout stocking should return in October. Bookmark this page to stay up to date on the AZGFD fish stocking schedule.

Best Bets:

#10 Bead Head Pop's Bugger

#16 Tungsten Jig Hares Ear

#8 Clouser Minnow

San Juan - Excellent

The San Juan should continue fishing great in September. The water is clear and fish are actively feeding on the surface. Midge clusters, BWOs, and terrestrials will all producing fish on the surface. When fishing subsurface rigs, try using brightly colored attractor patterns above smaller midge larva.

Don't forget - the fish in this system are large and will take an articulated streamer. Swing streamers through riffles and tailouts during low-lights hours to switch things up from the nymph fishing during the day.

Best Bets:

#20 WD-40

#20 Stalcup Hatching Midge

#14 Cluster Midge

#18 Tungsten Bruised Baetis

#10 Sculpin Mini

#8 Bunny Leech

Salt River - Average

Now that school is back in session, the crowds will be a bit lighter throughout the week. Expect flows to remain at their summer highs throughout September.

Using a float tube or a small raft is a great way to see more water on the Salt. Try throwing poppers in mornings and evenings. Stripping leeches and streamers can be productive right on the banks under overgrowth.

Trout stocking should return in October.

Best Bets:

#10 Hot Head Squirrel Leech

#16 Bead Head Hare's Ear

#10 Beldar Bugger

#12 Bream Popper

Dead Horse RanchAverage

This state park has great access and is an awesome spot to learn how to fly fish or hone your casting skills. As we move into September, the fish should become more active. You’ll have the opportunity to catch a variety of species, from channel catfish and largemouth bass to bluegill. 

The water is really warm, and fish are most active during low-light hours. If you're planning to fish, go early or late to find the fish that are willing to eat. Topwater poppers and small streamers are the best bets for bass.

Best Bets:

#12 Bead Head Mini Bugger

#10 Bead Head Hale Bopp Leech

#16 Glo-Bug

#4 Popper

#8 Wounded Sculpin

White Mountains LakesAverage

For the time being, many lakes in the Whites are still pretty warm, and several are dealing with large algae blooms. Expect solid fishing to begin on stillwater in the latter half of September when the water temps start dropping. 

Jig leeches remain a deadly rig in the Whites. Try stripping them on an intermediate sinking line. You can also fish a double nymph rig under an indicator; if the surface is choppy, that movement provides plenty of action for a bite.

Best Bets:

#14 Tungsten Balanced Leech

#10 Flashabou Bugger

#14 Red Eye Damsel Nymph

Black River - Excellent

Fishing is great for both trout and smallmouth up on the Black. On the water, try fishing dry droppers with terrestrials for trout. Plenty of caddis and mayflies are also present.

If you're going after smallmouth, bring a box filled with poppers. These fish fight hard for their size and are aggressively eating surface flies.

If fishing for trout, bring a thermometer and be mindful of water temps throughout the day.

Best Bets:

#4 Sculpzilla

#4 Crayfish Bunny

#14 Beetle

#16 Elk Hair Caddis

Canals - Excellent

Canals are fishing well across the city. Fish are still most active in the mornings and evenings. 

Pro tip: If you're new to carp fishing, make sure you're using brightly colored flies. You typically won't feel a carp eat your fly; instead, you'll have to watch it eat and time your hookset right. Bright flies will improve your ability to see a fish eat.

First time venturing out for carp? Stop in the shop for intel on the best spots around Phoenix!

Best Bets:

#10 Glo Bug

#8 Carpilicious

#12 BareTrap's Grassy Mop

That's a wrap on the September Arizona Fishing Report. Stop by the shop to get set up for your next outing!

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